TDABC in HealthCare

¿How can you manage costs if you don't know them?


1. COSTS: "2016 Global health care sector outlook. Battling costs while improving care", by Deloitte. (Download PDF)

2. MONEY & MEDICINE: Documentary about rising cost in US Healthcare system.

3. TDABC in Healthcare Management: Robert Kaplan & Michael Porter (Harvard University) interview.

Our web-based model for healthcare cost measuring using TDABC:

The model is been applied in a Chilean clinic network (MVClinical) since 2015. It has allowed to get productivity measures, unused capacity, marginal costs between locations, marginal benefits between insurers and the most important, compare selling prices and production costs.

To avoid the model maintenance issue, we developed a web-based system that gets the necessary information from the clinics databases and after a brief parametrization of the system, it is possibly to get accurate cost of every area, medical service and clinical bill.